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Why You Must Invest in ByteCoin (BCN)

I was reading an investment article recently and when I apply the key take aways from that article to my investment in Bytecoin, I realise there could not any better time or currency for me to invest it. Below are some basic rules of investing picked from that article - 

Markets tend to return to the mean over time.

So if you think you have missed the flight when ByteCoin (BCN) was at its historical peak, You are wrong. History keeps repeating itself and ByteCoin would be touching minimum 10 cents very soon. 

There are no new eras, so excesses are never permanent.

Today markets might be flooded with BCN but the moment graph start touching the new heights, people will start considering it as an alternative investment vehicle and will hold the coins for as long as possible leading to ByteCoin deficit in the market and even higher prices. 

The public buys the most at the top and the least at the bottom.

What do you think when people realised investing in BitCoins, When it reached its peak and created a media hype. Investors will rally for ByteCoin (BCN) very soon as the graph starts rising. 

Markets are strongest when they are broad and weakest when they narrow to a handful of blue-chip names.

More than 70% of the mining for BitCoin is done by professional companies and same goes for other lightweight currencies. For the first time ByteCoin introduced the concept of egalitarian encryption which keeps ASIC miners are bay allow anybody with CPU or GPU to mine. There wallet also has integrated mining options. Making BCN market & ecosystem broader than one can imagine.

and last but not the least

No One Made a Dime by Panicking

This is the crux of successful investing. Never panic and have some trust in yourself and your capabilities. If you bought or mined ByteCoin (BCN), It was your conscious decision and you must be prepared to hold & wait a little longer for better returns. 


  1. Now a days, we are finding those site that are providing Bitcoin services like this site Have you another site like this? let me know.

  2. I am interested to know about bitcoin. Hope, Bitcoin is the best for exchange. Have you another site for it. Or you can read more about it.
    Thank you


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